laugardagur, apríl 18, 2009
laugardagur, apríl 11, 2009
These pictures never come out in the right order, do they? I´ve never really found out how to make these posts look more appealing, but I think that the beauty that these pictures portray should be enough to render
that fact unimportant. Children are so beautiful,
so I guess it´s needless to say that my own childen are the most beautiful of them all :)
They are actually known as "the dolls" at Eyrún´s leikskóli among some of the other mothers, referring to their perfect little faces :)
As you can see on the pictures, we´ve been having all kinds of weather. This sometimes seems just like Iceland. Two days ago we were out in the
garden in short sleeves, mowing our lawn. The next day it was snowing.
A cold wind is blowing all day, so hard sometimes you can hardly open the door.
And now our short vacation week is almost over, and it´s back to routine again, where every little moment is important for these little growing lives.
Hopefully I won´t take as long for the next batch of photos, I just hope people haven´t completely given up on our site. It´s heartwarming to hear from everyone, it´s brings you all so close :)
mánudagur, apríl 06, 2009
Ok, finally my computer allowed me to go about my business, how benevolent of him (her, it? which is it?). So here´s a new video of the both of them, and I´ll write as soon as they´re asleep (one of these days) with new news, like Eldar finally standing up by himself!! (with the help of a table, but I suppose that´s how we all begin...)