miðvikudagur, febrúar 25, 2009
Eldar´s first succesful attempt at crawling!
Wagner was definitely a major booster... and maybe the little plastic ball was helpful too :)
föstudagur, febrúar 20, 2009
Since time flies so fast, I thought it would be a
good idea to get in some recent pictures.
What to tell of these little ones? Eyrún of course happily celebrated her third birthday in Iceland and since then celebrates it every once in a while by herself here at home,
singing the birthday song to herself and blowing out a
makebelieve candle. Her logical brain now has linked her
birthday with Iceland: when we go to Iceland, it´ll be my
birthday.. We´ll see how that´ll work out this summer...
Eldar is now 10 months old, has six teeth and is trying to move himself around, still without much luck. He´s like a plant, you don´t see it grow but in the long run, it does, right? Well, Eldar doesn´t really crawl, but you leave him in one place on the floor, and after a while, you find him in another. It´s still a mystery how he got there. He somehow pushes himself around, mostly going backwards for now.
And the two of them as a pair most often works out, Eldar just adores Eyrún and laughs his head off whenever she´s around. It´s enough for her to go running around the house or hopping up to
him, he bursts out in his big chuckles and has the whole family laughing with him. This is of
course between screaming his head off in frustration over whatever predicament he´s stuck in,
behavior which he engages in frequently. And then Eyrún gets very angry at him when he plays
And the two of them as a pair most often works out, Eldar just adores Eyrún and laughs his head off whenever she´s around. It´s enough for her to go running around the house or hopping up to
him, he bursts out in his big chuckles and has the whole family laughing with him. This is of
course between screaming his head off in frustration over whatever predicament he´s stuck in,
behavior which he engages in frequently. And then Eyrún gets very angry at him when he plays
Yep, there´s never a dull moment around here, can´t complain about that. And all this intertwined with sewing costumes, snowstorms and reading, reading the Twilight series (I´m already on my second round, totally obsessed, yes, worse than any teenager!). Oh, and we´re already planning our summer in Iceland (August actually) so, lots to look forward to!