I don´t really have any actualy pictures from the jólabasar since in the flurry of getting out of the house with everything else I forgot the camera, but here are a couple pictures of some of the things I was selling. I made zebras, elephants, lions, giraffes and rhinoceroses along with a couple cute little gnomes and handknit sweaters and hats (Eyrún is wearing a hat on the pictures). Sara made dolls, other animals, some gnomes and little Christmas decorations. We did fairly well, sold about half of what we had made and people seemed to like it, especially the animals and the dolls (the lions sold out!). It was a fun day and might be a start to a future business, who knows?
The gnomes you see in these pictures are some of the ones that have been appearing in Eyrún´s shoe in December (since I don´t have a Christmas calendar she´s been getting things in her shoe from day one, a mix of traditions), and there are more to come. You can gauge their actual size by the walnut bed for the baby :)
And here are the children, the same handful as ever, but as beautiful as ever too.
And next week we´re on our way to Iceland! We can´t wait! It´ll be interesting to see what adventures we will have on our trip, something always happens on the Christmas trip...
A small video of the pair to keep you posted. Eldar gets me up at six in the morning, so what better to do than blog? Soon I´ll get in more pictures and info on the jólabasar.