mánudagur, nóvember 17, 2008
The video seems to have worked well, so I´ll try that again, as soon as I have the time, which means after the 29th of November.
It´s the jólamarkaður at Eyrún´s school and Sara (my sister-in-law) and I are preparing a booth to sell homemade toys, clothes
and Christmas decorations. Between taking care of the kids and
house I sew and knit, trying to get as much done as possible.
It´ll be interesting to see how that goes, it´ll definitely be lots
of fun.
So just a couple of snapshots to keep
Eyrún and Eldar´s many fans up to
date. Here is Eldar in his new chair,
he loves to sit at the table (as in the video) and bang on it as hard as he can. He now has two teeth (lower
front ones) and should start to try
For now he
just sits and plays or topples over and complains until someone picks him up.
Eyrún is as happy as ever at leikskóli if not happier, she is making new friends all the time, learning new words every minute and singing songs all day.
So if I disappear for the next two weeks don´t worry, I'll report back after the Xmas basar!