I've been home now for about 4-5 days (travelled all day Monday, more or less, as I had a 5 hour stopover in Amsterdam), and so now that I've got all the trip photos into my computer, I thought it best to do a final Spain-summer posting(or 2) to show you all "key" photos. And of course Eldar is first as he is the present "star" of all events. So here he is in his grind, playing with a soft ball I've tied across two round rubber rings (that actually loook like something to hold glasses, i.e. drinks!?). Note that the brown "galli" he is in has been worn by all children in our family, starting with Freyr; that the blanket he's lying on is also an "antique". And so, how does he respond to such things hanging in front of his nose. Yes, his eyes are rivited (sp?) on it, and he does try to hit it with any part of his body that comes into contact with it, which makes his eyes widen and his mouth into an "O" and kicks his legs constantly. All this, until finally there is overload, and time for one of us to switch gears(that is, pick him up). Meanwhile, Eyrún may, or may not, be sitting nearby, wondering how to get to him.....smile).
Of course what Eyrún is probably doing is "playing the piano", which she loves to do on her own, turning pages and singing her 3 note song again and again. And then there are even times when she'll allow her mother to sit also and help her. She also likes it when her father plays with her. But if the two of them sit down to play together when she's also there, well, she goes a little bonkers, mostly because then she can't turn the pages when she wants to!

So, more to come á eftir......stay tunred!
# posted by Gerdur : 10:33 f.h.

Here is my third day in a row, last full day in Spain as I leave on a 6am flight tomorrow morning. In 25 minutes Manu's family is supposed to arrive for his birthday dinner that got cancelled last Sunday. Every chair and fork has been found and put to use and Manu is now cooking our of 3 pans at once with 2 pork dishes in the oven. It smell like Chrismas! says Úlla. Now we just need to wait and see if the guests arrive on time (usually they don't). Manu actually even called them last night to remind them!! And so, some more photos while we wait:
Here is a really beautiful one that just happened of the siblings when Eldar was being prepared for his bath and Eyrún was naked as the day was so hot. Eldar LOVES being undressed, is very ticklish and laughs a lot now when thing are pulled over his head. He also loves being in the bathtub, getting wet and being washed (Eyrún often helps, so two females at once splashing water all over him!). He is, needless to say, very unlike Mz Eyrún who never liked to have her hair washed, and still is like this today. But she does like her pool and have control over the hose whn her parents are around.

Eyrún talks a lot about everyone going to Iceland soon, and sometimes she "practices" travelling. Here she is on one of her "vehicles" out front and is driving around on her way to Iceland. When she pulled into the shade of the house, she had arrived, as had everyone else.
A few days ago, Úlla and I were out on our way to Carrefours when Eyrún annouced (in her narrative voice.......maybe this is how authors are born?) that we were on our way to the airport and going to Iceland. So, any kind of potential transportation, especially kid-sized ones, are a way to go to Iceland.
Jæja, best að hætta í bili, Mammmagvcamamma
# posted by Gerdur : 11:03 f.h.

Good Grief! I'm back on the same day!! Well, there's Heroes-mania going on in this household(we gave Manu the first series of Heroes for his birthday and now it's heroes every

night!!), so since I've already watched it, I'm trying instead to catch up on the blog before I leave Spain. And in these 2 photos you can see what the main job of a "working amma" really is all about......soothing them to sleep after being fed and burped (the last of which is also sometimes part of an amma's job). Ahhhh........little warm bodies that smell like one of your own......and that totally rel

ax into your arms.
Meanwhile, the older sibling is elsewhere, examining life, finding interesting things to do that may not fit into her mother's plans (such as pulling laundry "down" in the pic on the left). Or purhaps it's the (stupid, masochistic) cat, Herra Tishu, that will be the next project.

And just to show you all that there really is "artisitc form" and "dramatic intent" in our small daily lives, where outdoor cats still have memories of the great indoors (from which they have been permanantly banned, yet is their daily goal, esp. during thunderstorms), and almost three-year-old beauties become subconsiously aware that "attention centers" have shifted and feel great urges to remedy that, and young mothers of more-than-one (though less than ten) look out into that misty world of of of of (where am I going?), yes after all that, here's an artsy-fartsy foto from me (who is finally realizing that the best way to get a good picture is not to focus and wait, but to constantly snap at the action and see what comes. See? Everyday we learn a new thing.
I'm outa here!! more to come tomorrow.
# posted by Gerdur : 8:38 e.h.

Omg, I`m here just one day later!! But then Úlla did point out to me how "old" the photos were that I put in yesterday.......why, Mz Eyrún has a new haircut and our little Eldar is just over 6 kilos....so, here are some more photo:(to the left) Eyrún loves nothing better than to be naked around the house as much as possible. These past weeks she's been "practicing" using a koppur instead of having a diaper. Needless to say, there are great days all in a row, and then there are days of one accident oaftr another. The amazing thing is that anyone ever learns to do this!? (Mundi's mother used to "brag" about him having been out of diapers at the age of 13 months......then there were only cloth diapers, and don't forget that at 13 months of age it was the middle of summer in Iceland and in those days there really was more hot weather, so......)

Eldar has begun to use his "grind" and the eternal question is, who is being kept away from whom. When Úlla was newborn, it was to keep Freysi away from her......as here we are trying to ensure that Eyrún can be near Eldar without our constant attention (though we don't leave the room). Eyrún of course doesn't "approve" of him being allowed to use all her stuff. But it's ok when it's explained that she was there when she was little and now no longer needs it.
(And in our family there is the famous story of Úlla "getting back" at Freyr and biting him in the forarm til blóðs! there are scars)
Ok, a short blog.....more later.
# posted by Gerdur : 1:36 e.h.

As with all good intentions, mine to write a regular blog while in Spain went "out the window", "down the drain", or probably, mostly got "waylaid" by two little bambinos that need 3 people to take care of them (as well as do things like cook, i.e. Manu, wash dishes, i.e. Amma/me, and breastfeed, i.e. Úlla and only Úlla...!), not to mention intertain them, and protect them and read to them and play,play,play with them, and maybe even give in and let them do whatever they want. Actually, only Eyrún is at that point having discovered the power of say NO instead of "si", and often going back and forth between these 2 very clear statements until something "happens"? Ok, we´re still fighting ants, there are still occasional thunder storms, and now there is "Heroes-seasion one" for those who haven`t watched it. But none of this is really of interest to those who "visit" our blog, for the faithfuls want photos and only photos! So, here´s the first one:(above....I´ve been trying to figure out how to make pictures match the text....)Yes, we are dreaming here and it must be the one "foremost" thing in his life:Mamma and her amazing boobs! (those were the days, says ammagvc)

Aha! I put photos where I want them to be (though I bet when I post this, it`ll get all messed up!) And when he´s awake, then he is doing things like sitting in someone`s lap (in this case, Manu`s, outside , while Úlla and Eyrún play with the cats:

And then there are those moments when one (i.e.Úlla) isn`t "fast" enough with the

Yes, they are quite a sight, aren´t they, even if I do say so my self.
bless í bili, ammmaammmammmagvc
# posted by Gerdur : 8:44 e.h.