fimmtudagur, maí 29, 2008
Hérna eru nokkrar nýjar myndir af systkinunum.
þriðjudagur, maí 20, 2008
It´s already been a month since Eldar came into this world. It´s seems both like a lifetime and just a fleeting moment.
We´re still adjusting to this new way of life, which can become very complicated at moments, but usually works out
So Eldar is now 4,5 kilos and 54 cm, which is nothing compared to the growthspurt that his sister managed in her first month, 4,7 kilos and 56 cm, but he´s definitely getting bigger and more beautiful each day. He´s been a bit sick these days, his nose all stopped up and his left eye infected, but he´s getting better. As you can see on the pictures, he is well taken care of by his big sister :)
sunnudagur, maí 11, 2008
Too tired to write very much, here are new pictures of our babies, big and small. This Friday, Eldar will already be a month old, so time flies, and I will try to keep up regularly with new pictures.
Góða nótt!
sunnudagur, maí 04, 2008

Yes, here are some of the men in the family enjoying the warmth of little human heating pads. ( there's an, child labor laws would not permit it.) Ok, I'm alone (with my sons) at home and obviously my brain isn't functioning correctly as my better-half is out there getting warm. And how right that is that he should see and hold and smell and kiss his(our) first grandson and be able to say to the rest of us, "All is well." (....maybe we could rent HIM out.....?)
And yes, as Úlla said, this is the first time we've not been together for his birthday (i.e., he and I). But in essence he has several parts of me(of us) around him and so all really is well. And have you all noticed all the other important things in life that fill these photos? Music, books, food, more music, dikdiks, and obviously tv (who would have thought that I'd ever admit that tv is "necessary". Well, perhaps the narrative qualities of tv series really has gone up over the years. And of course one is allowed to let go of old agendas as one matures.)
Home really is where the heart is.