þriðjudagur, janúar 22, 2008

Finally my computer has started to work, at least at some level! It´s been giving us a very hard time, working at snail pace and not allowing pop-up windows to be opened, thus no picture loading possible on the blog. Now we´ve found out that it does have a virus, we only need to find out how to get it out.
Anyway, here are finally some Christmas pictures, these are just a small selection of the many we have, and I might post some more soon. I chose a couple that pretty much show us in our everyday family togetherness, romping around in the snow, playing in what has come to be known as the ball room, and more or less just sitting around being silly, which is so much more fun when in good company, right, mamma (she´s the one that always gets the silliest, often having such huge laughter attacks that no one else understands what´s going on, but it´s very funny)?
We´re back in Madrid, back into fullblown routine, Manu working alot, Eyrún back at leikskóli which she seems to be taking to, and me running the household and earning money on the side, teaching music classes, and now I might be getting a job sewing and knitting toys for a children´s store. I´ll keep you posted on that. So have to get back to my sewing.
Happy new year to everyone!
miðvikudagur, janúar 09, 2008
Oh well, mamma's being slow at updating my link and I don't have the rights to do it myself, so here's the link to my new blog. I'm keeping my everyday life out of this one, just random thoughts and epistles.