laugardagur, júlí 28, 2007
So here is Mammagvc(that's me) writing......Úlla got these pictures up and also the one's below from the beach, while Eyrún sat in my lap at my desk(one of them) "writing" with a warm kúkubleiu.....:þ. And yes it's been WAY TOO LONG since any of us have done anything on this blog (other than Úlla). These days it's all about Miss Eyrún and her days with us. These photos show some of the events since Ulla and Eyrún arrived on July 7th. How great it was to be able to have families from abroad meet, as you can see from the above group photo of the Scandinavian contingent that appeared out of the blue: left to right, Soffía, Sylvi, me, Gunilla, Úlla and Eyrún. Sylvi and I are first cousins, and Gunilla and Úlla are second cousins. Við erum frænkur! And in this one little photo there are 4 nationalities represented:Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish, Spanish, along with the influx(?) of both American and British culture(Gunilla is a student in England).
And Eyrún now is using the little "desk" I made for Úlla (and one for Freyr too) when we were in the states, "writing" in her own personal stílabók. Yes, children rule.
Bless í bili, there is much more to add, but that will come later(maybe even tomorrow!)
Before coming to Iceland, it was starting to get pretty hot in Madrid. We got a little pool for Eyrún to cool down in, which she had lots of fun stomping around in.
The last week before Iceland we went to the beach at Málaga, all the way down south. The sea was very cold and it scared Eyrún with its big loud waves, but she was very happy to play on the beach with the sand and the stones, and once in a while we would go to the pool where she would have lots of fun sprinting around in the water.