fimmtudagur, maí 31, 2007
I´ve finally finished my classes at the university and am enjoying my newfound freedom by thoroughly cleaning the house (spring cleaning, right?) and watching Friends in the evening with no feelings of guilt whatsoever (you see, I used to watch Friends in the evening before when I was supposed to be studying,but feeling pretty guilty about it). Eyrún is growing and growing, in every possible way. She now has a wide vocabulary of her own language, words including dabí dabí, gnapn and of course papa (with its Spanish accent) and mamma (in Icelandic). But she understands everything I say to her in Icelandic and most things Manu says in Spanish. She understands more things in Icelandic since she´s with me all day, which is perfect since the moment she starts leikskóli Spanish will take over as her main language.
And The Slug stayed with us, as you can see on the pics below, he doesn´t have a name yet, but we were thinking of Indy (as in Indiana Jones, he seems an adventurous type), what do you think? Kisa is still a boxlady in the garage, now she found a bigger box and chewed a hole in it so she looks like an owl living in a tree trunk. Once Slug/Indy is old enough we´ll throw him and Mishka outside and let poor old Kisa back in the house. Poor Kisa, dethroned by her own stupid daughter!
miðvikudagur, maí 16, 2007
And these will probably be the last pictures of the kittens, now they´re 7 weeks old and they´ll be leaving home to go meet their destiny at a pet store. Except for one, The Slug will probably stay with us since he´s turning out to be a very nice cat, and poor Púki just disappeared one
Anyway, look at these babies and try to tell me that they aren´t the cutest thing in the world. There is such peace in a sleeping cat, you can just forget the whole big bad world out there :)
Oh, and farther down are more pictures of Eyrún with her new haircut!!!
Here you can see Eyrún with her new hairdo!! We had actually never really cut her hair, only her bangs to keep them out of her eyes, and her hair was getting really long in the back. So we decided that since every day is getting hotter than the last, and that Eyrún is not particularly enthusiastic about washing her hair that we had to cut it. So one day I just snipped it all off while she was in the bath and it actually didn´t come out that bad, she looked like a little medieval boy for a couple days, but now it´s starting to grow back and looks better. You can see on two of the pictures how long it had gotten, and the other three are her new cut.
laugardagur, maí 05, 2007
Just a little notice from me, my Thailand blog is live. Only one post so far, but more to come.