þriðjudagur, apríl 24, 2007
Here´s a double batch of pictures, both of Eyrún and all the kittens. Now, I guess I should explain the story of Mishka´s kittens for those who don´t know it, you see, Mishka has always been a strange cat (she often seems more like a big bull than a feline, you have to actually see her in action to know what I mean), and she´s never taken interest in male cats nor they in her, and she´s never gone into heat. So all of a sudden, she decided that now was the moment, I guess she fell in love, and that with this really ugly black cat with a pug face, a little bit like her :) But look at these five beautiful kittens that came out of it (there were actually six of them, one died, she did have a HUGE belly)! We should be sick of cats, but little babies are always amazing, human and otherwise, and these are so cute, as you can clearly see from the pics. The tiger one is mamma´s favorite, she wanted to take it with her, and the white/orange one has been denominated The Slug, being the fattest and laziest.
And Mishka actually did us a favor, because she decided to kick the other cats out of the house (there was a big cat fight inside the house, she literally kicked Kisa´s butt, poor Kisa) and Púki and Kisa are now living in the garage in a box. So the house is much calmer and much easier to keep clean (mostly for Eyrún´s sake, since she lives so close to the floor), and the two Siamese are very happing living outdoors, Kisa in her old age becoming a very brave, adventurous kitty. And of course these kittens will have to leave home as soon as they´re old enough (although Manu does want to keep the tiger, his favorite kind of cat).
Eyrún is thrilled with all this, she just loves animals and oohs and aahs over the kittens, then we go out and visit Kisa and Púki to feed them and they all prance around together in the garden. Eyrún is almost 16 months old, and can do the most amazing things already by herself, she can almost go up and down the stairs by herself (of course she always has an escort though), she goes down the miniature slide by herself, and steps off the curb without help (no mean feat!). She eats steadily all day, her favorite foods being pretzels, corn, salt crackers, chick peas, chicken, olives and turkey slices, cucumber and red pepper, and her rice and corn cakes.
It´s gotten to be very hot here in Spain all of a sudden, going up to almost 25 degrees each day, and Eyrún and I spend most of our time in and out of the house (mostly out though), in between eating, napping, cleaning (with Eyrún as a little assistant), reading (Eyrún´s favorite passtime) and I try to get some studying done in between for the university, and if I´m lucky I can play a little bit and sing, which always makes Eyrún smile :)
laugardagur, apríl 14, 2007

So here are just a couple more pictures from the trip, there´ll even be more when I have more time :) So the time spent together came and went too fast like always, but we had fun while we weren´t being sick, and Eyrún was absolutely thrilled with so much attention :) Stay tuned for more new pictures, including playing in a new sandbox from afi and amma for the back yard!
sunnudagur, apríl 08, 2007

This is Mundi calling from Madrid. We came here a week ago to find 5 new kitten´s, only a day old. Couldn´t get very good photos.. The weathear has not been great but we had a good day at the zoo. Lots of illnesses including an ear infection, examination of patient documented here.