So just a couple more pictures before mamma, pabbi and Darri come for their visit next week!
So here you can see when she looks like her pabbi...
(in my old náttföt)

...and when she looks like me!
(more or less when she´s serious she looks like me, when she´s being goofy and funny she looks like her father) :)
# posted by Ulla : 8:54 e.h.

Here are the new Eyrún photos, yaaay!! And yes, I think she has changed a lot in just a month. Today she´s fourteen months old, it´s hard to believe that just a year ago she was this beautiful helpless little creature. Now she´s this huge beautiful little girl that runs all over the place without even stopping for naps anymore, she´s that busy learning about this world. Her newest achievement is that she now stands up from a sitting position on the floor without the help of anything, just sticks her butt in the air and gets

up, before she always needed to support her weight on something. Another amazing thing she does is put pegs into their holes without any help, and with such precision that it`s truly amazing to see. She has six big teeth as you can

see on the picture and chomps away all day on anything and everything, her newest discoveries are corn and ricecakes. She talks all day, but not really anything that we understand, although she seems to have adopted "paaa" as her way to name her father.
So that about sums it up.
Oh, and she loves to read and especially likes Eric Carle (hint, hint for any future gifts, books, books, books! fits straight into this family!)

Hope everyone is well, lots of love from Spain!
Ps. soon we´ll all be together again (minus Freyr though), mamma, pabbi and Darri are coming for Easter!
# posted by Ulla : 6:53 e.h.