fimmtudagur, desember 14, 2006

A few new pictures of our everyday life: Poor Kisa who now can never have more babies, we finally took her to be neutered, and she was actually pregnant again! (can´t remember if I had already told you guys this, but here goes again then), she escaped one morning when in heat and bam! got herself knocked up again. So the operation was a bit more complicated than usual, but everything went well. The poor thing was very depressed afterwards because the other cats did nothing but hiss at her all the time and arch their silly little backs at her, but now she´s all healed up and back to her usual self.
And here´s Eyrún, looking like a mountain climber, going up and down the stairs all day, having lots of fun. In the other pictures she´s looking out the window where Mishka has been thrown out for sleeping where she´s not allowed, and Eyrún laughs and laughs at her. And now she´s finally getting her third tooth, one of the upper front teeth. She only has the two lower ones in, but does amazingly well with only the pair, eating breadsticks and cucumbers as if she had a whole mouthful of teeth.
Here it´s getting to be very cold and feeling just like home. It evened snowed in the mountains the other day!
föstudagur, desember 01, 2006

So here are pictures of my new haircut like I promised, and me with a very similar haircut when I was little (how old, maybe 5?). Don´t seem to have changed very much, have I?
A few more pictures of Eyrún, before and after cutting her bangs too, as they were getting into her eyes already.
And here we are already in December, the month of Eyrún´s birthday!!