föstudagur, nóvember 24, 2006

Eyrún is now almost 11 months old and so big it always amazes me to think of how tiny she was when she was born. Now she tires me out just walking up the stairs with her in my arms. It´s easier to have her walk up by herself, which is one of her many favorite things to do now, she grabs my hands and always lifts up her right foot for every step. She´s still walking with the aid of furniture and people around her, but can go incredibly fast when she sees anything she wants. Mostly dogs make her speed up, she´s absolutely fascinated by them, running towards them, oohing and aahing along the way.
The four cats are still here with us and the seem to be here to stay. The two kittens are Púki and Peta (peta actually meaning joint in Spanish) and they are definitely the terrors of the house. But they are also the joy of the house (along with Eyrún of course) and things would definitely be different without them around. Peta, the little black female, is a bit scared of the world, and doesn´t really like being handled. Púki, the Siamese male, is turning out to be a most lovable cat, he follows me and Eyrún around the house all day (in between wrestling his sister), purring and asking to be petted. He plays fantastically with Eyrún, never scratching or biting her (an occasional accidental scratch when things get too excited) and letting her throw him around, pull his hair and poke his face at her heart´s desire. (Look closely at the first picture of them playing together, you should be able to spot a black cat flying over Púki.)
I go to the university once a week while Eyrún stays with her pabbi at home, and now I´ve also started singing lessons! (like Freyr, only I´m not as good, hey, he had a stigspróf today, we want to know how that went!) I´ve only gone once but it´s lots of fun, and it´s always good to learn how to control the voice, especially for a teacher, and for a music teacher it´s almost fundamental to know how to sing.
I´ll post more pictures soon, since I have lots more waiting, and soon enough we´ll be in Iceland again, yay! (Then maybe somebody else than me can write, this familyblog has definitely been turned into an exclusive Eyrún blog :) ) Ú
föstudagur, nóvember 03, 2006

It´s already November and Eyrún´s afi has come and gone, almost like the wind, the stay was so short (it seemed even shorter than the last time, even though it was the same length). But it was fun and well worth it, Eyrún remembered him well, smiling at him from the beginning and smiling and laughing all the time until the last day. She seemed to know that he was leaving and that that was nothing to smile about, so she stopped. What an intelligent baby :)
So here are some pictures from the trip. We had gorgeous weather, after having rained for two weeks steadily, we had four days of hot summer weather, so we went for walks, went shopping, ate lots of nice food cooked by Manu and pabbi, and were entertained by the four cats still living with us (too many cats, I know!) , and the couch movers who brought the new foldout couch and pulled it in through the upstairs window with ropes (also well documented photographically if anyone´s interested).
And now we´re back to everyday life, Eyrún and I alone at home with the krazy kats while Manu works and it´s raining again. So, ending this on more of a melancholic note than usual, couldn´t somebody just invent a teleporter (or whatever that would be called) like they had on Star Trek and make life so much easier for international families? :)