þriðjudagur, september 19, 2006

And then of course the routine pictures of Eyrún and the kittens, who are all starting to move around at an incredible speed, Eyrún scooting around on her butt; now she´s able to get from a lying position (from her stomach) to a sitting position if the floor isn´t too slippery, if it is then she just goes backwards; and the kittens are moving around like crazy although still looking like little drunkards. Today the little black managed to get out of the box all by himself, so we´re in for lots of fun.

So, anyone interested? Maybe they can be mailed overseas...

þriðjudagur, september 12, 2006

So here are some more pictures, our living room in daylight and in afternoon light, and then the Spanish cousins, the three little ones together, the one in the middle is 15 months old and the other one is 13 months (Diego and Miguel), and Eyrún who is now 8 and a half months, all looking the same size :) On another picture is Eyrún with the two oldest cousins, Daniel and Marina, who are 6 and 3 (almost), all very cute kids.
And then the first real family portrait of us!!
I´ll post more pictures of the rest of the house next :)
mánudagur, september 11, 2006

So finally I got the pictures up on the blog, yaaay!!!! So here is the Eyrún slash kitten batch, and I´ll probably post some more pictures soon. But they aren´t they cute!!! (Eyrún and the kittens, that is.) The kittens are just opening their eyes these days, finally looking like cats instead of little dragons, the white ones were all white when they were born but now they´ve started to get the Siamese colors, their noses, ears, paws and tail are starting to get a greyish tone, and they all have blue eyes for now.
And there´s Eyrún too who´s growing and growing, no she scoots around the floor on her butt, moving around that way instead of crawling the traditional way, and then if she does fall over and land on her stomach she goes backwards! But of course, her most favorite thing is to go zooming around in her göngugrind, chasing poor Mishka around who more than once has been the victim of its wheels! (talk about being a clumsy cat, but of course, we´ve always known that she is a bit dim) Mishka by the way has made a "friend," our back yard lies right next to one of the neighbor´s back yard and there´s this little dog that lives there that just can´t stand Mishka, and of course she has found out that he can´t get to her, so she goes strutting around right up next to the fence, back and forth, and the dog goes absolutely crazy. I´ve never known such a passive-aggressive cat before.
And the house is getting there, what with the paint job we gave it, mamma´s curtains, and photos on the walls, it´s looking very nice although there are still boxes all over the place.
So next batch of photos, which hopefully will be here soon, will be of the house and of Eyrún with her Spanish cousins who came to visit yesterday, and maybe some more kitten pictures!!
þriðjudagur, september 05, 2006

So here are a few other photos that fit into the series that Mundi has put on the blog. I'm also trying out posting pics from the same file to see if my doing it (from my computer) will allow one to click on the photos and make them bigger.
News? Well , everyone is busy trying to get adjusted to school and other such things. And we will all try to get more blogging done....for now, let pictures do the talking, right?
The one of Eyrún in her göngustóll next to the piano is very funny because she sees herself so well-mirrored in the highly glossed surface! And then the one above of the two moldarbúar in their new winter coats is very funny, esp.Úlla in hers all the way zipped. And Mundi with his favorite granddaughter(teehee) and her favorite little cat whose tail can be pulled to play a tune. This photo is taken at a family dinner when Kiddi and co. came over.
Yes, Eyrún is the center of many universes these days.