fimmtudagur, júní 22, 2006

The Spanish summer is here and we´re hot!! It´s actually not even as hot as it can become yet, which is making us dread the weeks to come and looking forward to our time in Iceland!! We leave in only three weeks, but before that time we have to sell our appartment, but the new house, pack and move, and all this depends on if we can really sell our appartment which we don´t know yet. Further details later, I´m too sick of the whole deal to elaborate on the topic, suffice to say that we can´t sell our appartment until we get some documents fixed which is becoming much more complicated than it should be. Stupid burocracy(sp?).
So the best remedy is just forget about the whole thing (don´t worry, be happy taking on a new meaning these past few months for us) and play with Eyrún! Being so oblivious of the horrors of this world, she absolutely bursts with joy, the happiest when bare-butted (instead of bare-legged) and stark naked, screaming, chirping and making fart sounds (some real, others simulated) all day, then laughing her head off when we answer her in that same language.
So everybody send appartment-selling, house-buying success waves over the seas that separate us, just in case we just need a little bit more luck from the universe. It might be just the thing to tip the scale :)
föstudagur, júní 09, 2006

Doing what she loves the most these days: daily gymnastics, sitting on the couch and being with her pabbi (with a very punky hairdo on that photo, I might say)!
She is now 5 and a half months, and is definitely the biggest baby that has been seen in Spain, according to people´s reactions here, leaving the Spaniards astonished when learning her true age!