föstudagur, maí 26, 2006

Having fun with pabbi! (þetta er andlitið hennar þegar hún er að hossast)

Litli snillingurinn okkar

"As I was saying, this Bach piece that I am about to play really isn´t that difficult, you only have to know what to listen for. I of course have been playing piano since before I was born, so I should know what I´m talking about..."
mánudagur, maí 22, 2006

This is Eyrún´s newest thing, she´s found her feet! Now she does this kind of leikfimi all the time, even sticking her toes in her mouth once in a while!
She´s getting so big, not such a helpless little baby anymore, she picks things up with amazing rapidity now, bringing anything and everything up to her mouth to "know" it, she flips over ever so quickly, only getting her arm stuck once in a while, and she can almost sit by herself, only missing the finer details of the art of balancing.
She´s spends the day yelling, screaming and squealing, now having discovered her very high highest register, she practices it all day with earpiercing shrieks.
And she has the most beautiful laugh in the world. It could melt anyone´s heart.
föstudagur, maí 12, 2006

Of course these stupid pictures never come out in the order they´re supposed to! Anyway, to see the evolution of Eyrún´s newest accomplishment you have to start with the last picture, then go to the one just above it, then to the first one to see that she now knows how to roll over all by herself!! (And the fourth picture I threw one for Salka´s sake, seeing that she likes Eyrún´s hairdo, in this photo you can see the way her hair really grows when it lies naturally, it always just gets swept to one side)
She was very pleased with herself when she finally got her arm out from underneath her stomach(after much grunting, yelling, and crying out) that she kept on flipping over until she got so tired she broke down crying and fell asleep. So much physical and mental strain for a little body must be tiring.
Anyway, just wanted to share this with the world. I know all babies go through the same stages, but there´s something magical about watching one (especially your own) develop and just bloom before your very eyes. Just amazing it is.
þriðjudagur, maí 09, 2006

Enough silliness! (or actually, in other words, more silliness, just from other family members than mamma (who is the silliest of them all!))
Eyrún´s back in all her glory, in clothes and out, already four months old and almost weighing 8 kilos! A true viking baby, right?