þriðjudagur, febrúar 28, 2006

more of that

So here we are, just waiting for amma to come visit us next week (when she finally emerges from the swamps of teaching, testing and grading adolescents!)
Oh by the way, Mishka almost killed Houdini the other day, we had accidentally left the door to his room a crack open and she managed to get in. When we came home the cage was broken on the floor, all over the place. I imagined the worst, but Houdini is a survivor, his nest was what saved him, such a web of cotton stuffed into his house that Mishka was unable to get him out. I picked up his house and all of a sudden he pops out his nose, intact, just to see if I were bringing him anything to eat. Amazingly, knowing the beast that Mishka is, he is alive and safe!
miðvikudagur, febrúar 22, 2006

So here she is, once again, and every day more beautiful, the magnificent Eyrún!
She´s almost two months old now, and is such a happy little baby, waking up in the mornings already with a smile on her face , and smiling even more when she sees her adoring mother (me of course) bend over to pick her up. She loves to look at everything, turning her head around so fast it looks like a Chaplin movie to take in everything she can see. She especially likes to look at those funny cat/lemur animals that mamma/amma brought her, especially the new black one, she can stare at them for hours on end. And we´re starting her music training (which already started nine months ago, but anyway) having her listen to all kinds of different sounds. I read to her a little bit each day in English and in Icelandic and her pabbi takes care of the Spanish side of it, while I talk to her in Icelandic.
There is little other news from here, it´s really cold, even snowing close to Madrid, almost like being home. We´re looking for a new house since the appartment we live in is going to explode soon, it´s so stuffed with all kinds of stuff, hopefully we can find a nice little house near the mountains with a garden for Eyrún to run around in.
And now we´re just counting down the months until we go to Iceland! We´ll be there from the 15th July until the 12th August. But before that mamma comes to visit, and then pabbi comes to visit, and then Ágústa comes too! (my friend, for those who don´t know Ágústa) So lots to do, and lots to look forward to. Bless í bili, Ú
mánudagur, febrúar 13, 2006

and then afterwards, pooped after so much workout, she falls fast asleep, all stretched out.
That´s all for now, I´ll write when I have more time, for now just wanted to get some pictures posted for you guys to keep up :)
fimmtudagur, febrúar 02, 2006