laugardagur, janúar 28, 2006

Today, the 28th of January, Eyrún is one month old. She already weighs almost five kilos (4720 gr), and is about 55, 56 cm (have to take her to the doctor to get a more exact measurement than one we can do at home). She´s rapidly gaining weight, which doesn´t surprise me since she is eating all day long. But every day she is also more beautiful than the day before, as I think you can tell by these pictures. Since I´m her mother I guess I´m not objective, but I think she has such a beautiful inner glow that shines out from her eyes (which are still blue by the way, how long until they start to change color if they do change color, pabbi?), those big beautiful eyes she has. She´s just about the most beautiful baby that I´ve ever seen!
Ok, enough bragging about my baby. Oh, and even though she´s dressed in pink on these pictures, don´t think that we only dress her in pink, please. She wears all kinds of colors, I can´t stand it when little girls are only dressed in pink, when we take her out for walks, people actually think she´s a boy because her carriage is blue, or if she happens to be wearing a blue sweater. So silly. All the clothes that the Spanish branch of the family have been giving her since they found out she´s a girl are pink! How silly that colors should have to have genders assigned to them. But it´s interesting to think about: what about all the other colors, why do we only decide about pink and blue?
Anyway, back to the point. We´re going to have lots of great visits this year, mamma is already planning on coming back in March, pabbi´s planning on coming in April, and my friend Ágústa in april too. We´re planning on going to Iceland this summer for a long visit, and then also for Christmas, so this´ll be a great year of travelling, visiting, having fun and spending lots of money to achieve all that!
Hope you have a wonderful wedding tomorrow, Freyja. Best wishes to all, and send us pictures soon! Úlla
þriðjudagur, janúar 24, 2006

So here´s Eyrún, once again, happily sleeping after one of her many feedings (note her big bollucheeks already), trying out her new bag (where once inside, she just totally konked out!), and with her pabbi just before going out for a walk (note the clothes, everything except for the sweater was worn by all us systkini when we

were little, and now it´s Eyrún´s turn).
Yes, we´re getting used to this life, sharing it now with Eyrún, who is very demanding (which you might be able to tell by me face), but oh so beautiful and undescribable, you´ll just have to come visit to know her yourselves :)
Every day she´s more awake, observing the world with her big serious eyes. Everybody here says that she´s exactly like me, which is true, but she´s definitely her own person and will be a very interesting little character. Already she´s prooving that, pooping whenever I take off her diaper, with these big shotting poops that go all over the floor and peeing straight up into the air like a boy. I think I have to wash babyclothes every day, she poops so much and always where she shouldn´t. But it´s what makes my day interesting (that and living with two cats, both of them in heat, oh my God, we´ll have to do something about it before we go crazy). So, let´s hope we get some news soon from Iceland onto the blog, instead of my endless poopstories!
þriðjudagur, janúar 17, 2006

And here she is after her bath (which by the way she does not like at all, she cries until turning purple), so happy to be free of it that she´s almost smiling!
So, that´s all for now, hope you like the photos, I´m pooped, need to eat and sleep (funny how your life changes from one day to another, all of a sudden evolving around those two basic needs, both mine and Eyrún´s, too bad we don´t have Manu around to take care of mine (feeding me, he´s a good cook and I´m a horrible one) while I take care of Eyrún´s, since he´s working so much).
And tomorrow she´ll be three weeks old! :)
Góða nótt, everybody.
föstudagur, janúar 13, 2006

Yes, she grows and grows. In one week she gained 400g so she´s definitely getting enough. And she´s grown another 2-3 cm. We´ve put her into some of the clothes that Úlla herself wore and Eyrún actually fills out the foot part of the FIX gallar! (for those who don´t know, FIX clothes are the ones I bought when Freyr was a baby and all of ours wore them and they are still as good as new. It was from Sweden and very tough.) The yellow one above is the thing we´re talking about. And there she´s sitting in her new "rocking" seat for inside, so that at last she can have a more "normal" perspective of the world besides from her bed, or on someone´s shoulder, or from her mother´s boob (that sideways view is more to make sure that no one disturbs her while she´s getting her fill). And then of course her father has to introduce to the important things in life, like tv....(always best to start slowly, right? that´s why she isn´t facing the screen?) In that photo she has a blanket around her that langamma Audur made.....probably for Darri. So a daily routine is being formed, and the time between feedings is extending from 2 to 3 hours, and she is producing bigger burps and continues to be a super-pooper......! We´re talking 7-8 diapers a day, average.
ok, bless í bili, all family and friends, and soon I will be writing from fróni. Amma-abuela-mamamg
mánudagur, janúar 09, 2006

Here are some more pictures of our beautiful Eyrún. Above it the oldest Icelandic tiowho loves all cute little things. Now he is back in Iceland with the other tio and abuelo (after a very bumpy plane ride to Iceland, says Mundi), and "real life" starts tomorrow (haha!). Meanwhile (back at the ranch.....), amma-abuela is still in Madrid(that's me) and is doing laundry and whatever else the new young mother/parents want her to do. Stay tuned!....
föstudagur, janúar 06, 2006

Afterwards, full of tyrosine and other goodies. And the eldes tio

And with afi
þriðjudagur, janúar 03, 2006

These are photos mostly taken the last couple of days at home, except for the one of amma to the left which was taken at the hospital.
All is well, we are all exhausted, but Eyrún is "eating" up a storm and we see changes by the minute! And she's even begun to smile while sleeping lightly, dreaming about that

Jæja, back to eating! adíos, ammagvc